5 reasons of Fireplace Odors

Living in the second millennium, we should be thankful for the comforts that the technological advancements have brought for us. A lot of ease, a lot of relaxation and a lot of comfortability. As soon as a new technology is introduced, people rush to adopt it and eventually, it becomes part of life and part of everyday necessities. But there are some people, who love traditional and conventional ways and find them always superior to the newer outlooks introduced by technology. Take for instance; Fireplace. Despite that there are a lot of other options for home heating; Furnace, Boilers, Space Heaters etc, there are many Canadians that still think their home should have a Fireplace. And that is a wonderful home heating solution while also very natural in appeal and particularly the crackles that you hear, the aroma that you smell, takes you back in the times when there was only fire, and man to utilize it for cooking, heating, preying and protection. The latest Fireplace solutions are no doubt appealing and can work perfectly fine with the close and compact architectures that we have today, it is but nonetheless true that sometimes, maintaining a Fireplace can become a real headache. And when it comes to Fireplace odours, you might have to live a century to discover, recognize and resolve the odours. So here’s something for you to familiarize yourself with the reasons of Fireplace odours. 

#1: Animals and their safe haven – Your chimney!

No matter what style of Fireplace you are using, you sure need to have a chimney to evacuate the smoke. But guess what, as the chimney is a cosy place, animals and birds often make them their abode. The smell that comes from Fireplace could be the result of animal faeces or maybe a dead animal. But hey alert! In case you figure out there’s an animal or bird stuck there in your chimney, don’t try to remove it on your own. Instead, call a regulatory authority (animal removal organization). But in order to protect yourself from delving into such a situation, better use a chimney cap. Odor one recognized! No? It’s not animal or animal faeces? Okay dude, move on!

#2: Dirt and Debris in Chimney

Dirty chimneys cause a very bad and musty odour and this doesn’t only happen when they are in use. It also happens when are not in use. The backdraft pushes the air downwards that brings the dirty particles along making the indoor both smelly and dusty. Cleaning of the chimney and installing a tight glass door can help resolve this kind of odours.

#3: Smoke odour

As the fireplace is turned on, it causes smoke. But the smoke issues go unnoticed because of the fact that they are not easily observable in time. At the time of the fire, smoke rises to high levels but eventually comes down later in the zones where we live and breathe it. This smoke can get absorbed into curtains, carpets, clothes and then you’ll have a smoky odour all around. To avoid this odour, it is suggested to not close the damper if the Fireplace is used even at night. Also, use glass doors to avoid the backflow of smoke.

#4: Fuel Odors

The type of fuel you use for Fireplace would/won’t cause odour. Usually, the woods that are not old and dry enough produce a rank odour that could be very irritating for some people. In addition, the logs of some brands that are coated with certain chemicals can cause ideocentric odours. So, being a Fireplace lover, it is important for you to be very clear about what fuel would suit you the best and which fuel has the quality to not cause odours.

#5: Rainwater odour

As it rains, if you have a chimney cap, you’re safe, otherwise, be ready for another type of odour; the odour caused by rainwater as it mixes with soot. When it rains, the water doesn’t directly come down to the firebox, instead, it lands in the area at the back of the damper known as a smoke shelf. This water stays there until it evaporates. Because in the smoke shelf, there’s soot, the water after mixing with soot and taking long enough to evaporate causes a rancid odour that eventually comes down to your home and makes it odorous. So, chimney cap, please!

Hopefully, you have learned enough about different types of Fireplace odours, their causes and the ways to combat them. If this helps you, don’t forget to let us know.

If you are a Fireplace lover or would wish to become one, call us today for installation of Fireplace. We also maintain, diagnose and repair Fireplaces. Connect anytime: 1-855-245-4328
