Make your Humidifier most efficient this winter

Winter brings the phenomenon of low humidity and low level of relative humidity is synonymous with allergies, skin and eye irritation, static electricity, parching of wallpapers, damaging of wooden interior and other such issues. As a combat for low humidity, technology has offered us a solution in the form of Humidifiers. A Humidifier helps add moisture to the indoor by releasing water vapours into the air. It could be a portable or a whole home unit. In Canada, most people use the whole-home humidifier systems but unfortunately, only a handful of homeowners are successful in making the most efficient use of their humidifier systems. For many, the issues like;
- Too much humidity
- Too much usage yet low humidity
- High energy bills due to constant Humidifier use
- Frequent unit damage
keep lingering over head throughout the Winter. Realising this challenge, we have decided to dedicate this blog to understanding how a Humidifier can be used in ways so as to reap the best performance out of it and what "must not do's" should be followed to avoid humidity and Humidifier related concerns.

Suggestions to make the most of your Humidifier 

Don't over-work your unit

The ideal relative humidity is between 30%-50%. Which suggests, there is no need to run the Humidifier if this level is already achieved without any appliance. Please note that indoor activities like bathing, cooking etc also adds to the indoor moisture. Therefore, there are instances when the indoor humidity level is already ideal. In such cases, you can shut the unit off. In other cases, when the level is not ideal, running the Humidifier for a few hours can suffice well.
There are people who keep the system running. This is a wrong approach and only results in raising the level unnecessarily high putting you in a situation to turn on a Dehumidifier on. Also, by constantly working, the unit loses its potential to deliver efficient performance.

Avoid using tap water 

Tap water usually has minerals and other substances that either settle in the water pane or get stuck in the unit, resulting in affecting its performance. To remain of the safer side, consider using distilled water. The use of distilled water also helps in preventing the production of mould and mildew.

Cleanliness and Water Replacement is the key 

The longer the unchanged water remains in the pane, the more probable the production of bacteria and mould becomes. Therefore, replace the water daily. Also, thoroughly wiping the inside of the unit with some disinfectant ensures a safe and healthy usage. This is part of the maintenance required to keep the unit functioning for longer.

HVAC professionals suggest that people who suffer from serious allergies should avoid using Humidifiers since humidity promotes these two. The best approach is to install a Smart Thermostat or a Humidistat to monitor the indoor humidity level and take prompt action as suggested by the situation.

One way to identify there is excessive humidity in the indoor is to check the windows. If there's excessive interior window condensation; be quick, do something! 
